The Official Website of Brewton, Alabama


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fire department


Jeffrey Salter
Fire Chief

The mission of the Brewton Fire Department is first and foremost to prevent loss and injury to the people we serve in the Brewton community. Our number one priority is to deliver the best possible service. We also resolve to always treat everyone with respect, kindness, patience, and consideration.


We will always attempt to execute a standard problem solving outcome--quick, effective, skillful, safe, caring and managed. We will strive to continually improve our methods and performance.

601 St. Nicholas Ave.
Brewton, AL 36426
Phone: 251-867-7165
Fax: 251-809-1752


Smoke Alarms Saves Lives

Smoke alarms, properly installed, increase your chance of survival in a house fire by 50%. Batteries should be changed at least once per year. Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years.

The life safety of the citizens of Brewton is our number one priority. Our goal is for every home in Brewton to have at least one working smoke alarm on every level of your house. If you are unable to change batteries or install a smoke alarm due to being elderly or handicapped, or cannot afford to purchase one, please call the Brewton Fire Department on our business line at 867-7165 and we will provide batteries, smoke alarm, and installation free of charge.

Address Signs Available For Your Home

Have you every wondered how Fire, EMS, or Police will know which house on the block is yours in a time of need? We have address signs and posts at the Fire Department. Now available for mail box attachment. Call the station at 251-867-7165 or come by for one made on site at 601 St.Nicholas Ave.

Links of interest

Sparky’s Hompage

Visit with Smokey Bear

 Fire Facts for Kids

 Brewton Fire Department’s Facebook Page