The Official Website of Brewton, Alabama


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boards & Committees

Brewton would not be the community it is without the many volunteers that staff the numerous boards and committees that plan and manage projects to enhance the quality of life of its citizens.

1010A Douglas Ave.
Brewton, AL 36426 
Phone: 251-809-1770
Fax: 251-809-1775 


Industrial Development Board – Reviews funding for businesses and enterprises 

Public Library Board - Advises on projects and needs for the Brewton Municipal Library 

Medical Clinic Board - Liaison between the City medical facilities and the Brewton City Council 

Recreation Board - Plans and implements the City’s (mostly) summer recreation program and activities 

City Tree & Beautification Board - Recommends location(s) for live plant/flower placements throughout the City 

City Planning Commission - Reviews requests for area zoning/rezoning 

Board of Zoning Adjustments – Reviews requests for zoning amendments/changes 

Flood Variance Board - Monitors and reviews construction in the local flood plain 

Airport Committee - Liaison between the Brewton Municipal Airport and the Brewton City Council 

Police Personnel Board – Reviews and recommends actions concerning changes or grievances concerning police officers 

Sanitation / Earth Day Committee - Plans activities for the annual Earth Day and advises on sanitation/landfill operations 

Dilapidated Properties Committee - Recommends action(s) concerning abandoned/overgrown properties, especially residential 

Finance Committee - Plans and recommends the annual budget/reviews requests for non-budgeted appropriations 

Insurance Committee - Recommends actions concerning the City’s employee health and medical insurance plan 

Greenlight Committee - Recommends the addition of pole street lights within the City

Water Board Committee - Provides safe drinking water continuously at reasonable cost to the community

Housing Board - Liaison between the local housing authority and the Brewton City Council

Brewton Development Authority - Encourage and assist in the development of economic growth within the City of Brewton

Cemetary Rules and Procedures Committee - Advise on the general care and operations of the city cemetery

Event/Entertainment Committee - Schedule and produce city-wide events in public parks